Saturday, March 14, 2009

Net Worth, What is it?

First of all, seeing the DOW rise 4 days in a row has to have some people excited. Maybe my mutual funds are on the rise! I sure hope so.
I think that building your "net worth" is very important. The earlier you start the better. Net Worth is the bottom line after you subtract all your financial obligations. In other words, take the value of your house, cars, saving accounts and what ever other investments you have and then subtract out your financial obligations. What you still owe on your house, cars, credit cards and what ever else you owe on. The bottom line is your Net Worth.
One tip I have on saving money is with your Insurance Company. Raise your deductible as high as you feel comfortable with. Low deductibles might make you feel good, but they don't do you any good. They say you shouldn't even report a accident under $500.00. Raising your deductibles will lower your premiums. Take that savings and add it to your savings account!

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