Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Spending money is a lot easier then making it!

My father always told me that getting rid of money is a lot easier then saving it. Boy was he right. Money is one of the hardest thing to get and the easiest thing to get rid of. Some people don't even know what they spend their money on. Have you ever taken money out of the bank and the next day or to it's gone? I have done this plenty of times. A friend of mine told me to carry a pad of paper for a week and write down everything I buy. I did it, and couldn't believe all the money I wasted. I'm not a big believer in budgets because then you are just dooming yourself to your current income. Always pay yourself first! If you have a retirement plan at work, join it. put at least 10% of your check in your plan. you won't believe how fast that account will grow. There is no better investment then the power of tax free compounding. the earlier you start, the more you will have in your later years. Start building your net worth today!

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