Thursday, May 14, 2009

The DOW Roller Coaster Ride!

Watching the DOW Jones Industrial these days is like riding a roller coaster. One day its down and the next day it's up. I guess that we just have to take the ride and see where it lets us off. I hope that some day it will settle down and start to take us for a steady ride. All the experts are saying that the recession has peaked. I'm not sure what that means, but maybe the economy will start to settle out and grow at a sustainable rate. Hopefully the stock markets will start to show a steady return and all of our investments will be on the rise again. Until then, we'll just have to ride the roller coaster until we can get off. Hopefully all of us won't be getting sick! I wish everyone good health and happy investing! Until next time, ride the roller coaster.

Happy Investing!

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